International Acquaintances Dating Agency
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Ukraine woman Nataliya

Nataliya photos


Age: 53  (30 May 1971)
Height: 5'5'' (165 cm)
Weight: 145 lbs. (66 kg)
Country: Ukraine

Profile ID: 7179  (Updated 05 Feb 2013)

8 more photos of Nataliya

About my life:

Hair: brown
Eyes: green
Relationships: never married
Have kids: no
Education: university
Languages: english, italian, polish
Occupation: pianist
Religion: orthodox christian
Smoke: no way

My interests and hobbies:

In free time like to attend theaters. Like going to the pool, on the nature. Adore cooking.

About myself:

Sincere, romantic, tender woman. Responsible, with sense of humor. My dream is to create a happy family based on mutual love and caring about each other.

About my date:

Seeking man: from 42 to 59 years
Height: from 5'7'' (170 cm) to 6'3'' (190 cm)
Have kids: yes

My message to man:

Honest, reliable, able to make decisions and take responsibility for them. Optimist, kind and cheerful man.

My contacts:

E-mail  Phone  Mobile-phone  Address

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