International Acquaintances Dating Agency
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Ukrainian woman Nadia

Nadia photos


Age: 38  (16 Jun 1986)
Height: 5'6'' (168 cm)
Weight: 135 lbs. (61 kg)
Country: Ukraine

Profile ID: 10913  (Updated 05 Jan 2023)

4 more photos of Nadia

About my life:

Hair: brown
Eyes: green
Relationships: never married
Have kids: no
Education: university
Languages: russian, ukrainian
Smoke: no way

My interests and hobbies:

I am engaged in dressmaking free time love to spend with friends, attend theater or make trips in the mountains.

About myself:

Kind, honest and loyal young woman. I love the truth and in people appreciate sincerity.

About my date:

Seeking man: from 30 to 37 years
Height: from 5'8'' (173 cm)

My message to man:

Looking for reliable and loving man for serious relations. I want to feel myself week woamn, woman who wants to love and have kids with right man - sincere, kind, attentive and self-confident.

My contacts:


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